" Stewards of the Natural Environment "
Billings, Montana @ ZooMontana

Yellowstone Arboretum
Quarterly Newsletter - Spring Edition

Spring at the Arboretum
"New Growth, New Roots"

Cornus mas - Sensory Garden

Where is Chickadee Trail ?

Billings "Year of the Iris"
The meteorological start of Spring, March 1, marks the beginning of another busy year for the arboretum, botanical gardens and ZooMontana. The city of Billings will be hosting two national conventions this summer, both that have booked either demonstrations or tours of the grounds. Community volunteers have been active in booking arrangements for spring and summer clean-ups and a huge celebration of everything planet Earth will be held in April. All this information can be found below or in the sidebar to the right. Be sure to check our Facebook page for more pertinent information as it becomes available. We're looking forward to making your experience a pleasant and rewarding one !
" Looking for Spring"
First to bloom - Look for the Cornus mas, Cherry Dogwood, located on the east hill of the Sensory garden as it is normally the first bloomer of the spring season. It's not easy to find as it's tucked in next to a Chinese Juniper and Austrian Pine. It's distinct yellow flowers stand out in a background of green.
Birdwatching? - Chickadee Trail connects Wolf Junction and the Foster Waterfowl Refuge and The Dell. It's a great place for birdwatching. Not only Chickadees can be seen but also Warblers, Blue Jays, Goldfinches, Waxwings and Downy Woodpeckers. Arboretum volunteers have added new birdhouses along these trails which has attracted an even larger population including the same family of Wrens, albeit different generations, that have been observed to arrive every year for the past 8 years !
Iris Lovers Unite - The 2025 National Iris Convention will be held in Billings, June 2nd-7th. A fantastic demonstration garden has been planted along the banks of Canyon Creek in the south plaza and will be open for inspection. For more information check out the Big Sky Iris Club's website at bigskyirisclub.com/2025-ais/

Protected Status
In accordance with other arboretums around the country the Yellowstone Arboretum has opted to designate certain species specimens with "Protected Status". This designation gives added protection to species, both native and non-native, that have shown nationwide or worldwide decline in population due to many natural occurences such as climate change, flood plain disruption and human interference. Some of these specimens are already part of the arboretum's conservation program. The photo on the left is a Plains Cottonwood affectionately known as "Henry" located off campus along the Zoo service road. Henry is 18 feet in circumference with a crown of 88 feet at last measurement. These trees will be placed in a status similar to other collections found throughout the arboretum.

ZooMontana is pleased to announce a new working relationship with BGCI, Botanic Gardens Conservation International. As the first BGCI collaborator in Montana this opportunity opens the door for future research, conservation efforts, grants, training and networking with other gardens and arboretums around the globe.
Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) is a membership organisation, representing botanic gardens in more than 100 countries around the world. It is an independent UK charity established in 1987 to link the botanic gardens of the world in a global network for plant conservation.
We aim to support and empower our members and the wider conservation community, so that our knowledge and expertise can be applied to reversing the threat of extinction facing plants. Our vision is a world in which plant diversity is valued, secure and supports all life, and our mission :
To mobilise botanic gardens and engage partners in securing plant diversity for the well-being of people and the planet.
The BGCI network of botanic gardens includes: globally significant living plant collections, covering approximately a third of known plant diversity; world class seed banks, glass houses and tissue culture infrastructures, and; technical knowledge networks covering all aspects of plant conservation policy, practice and education. BGCI is in a prime position to promote an efficient, cost-effective and rational approach to plant conservation in botanic gardens. As outlined in BGCI’s Strategic Framework (2021-2025), we do this in five ways by:
Saving plants;
Inspiring and leading people;
Sharing knowledge and resources;
Addressing global challenges through public engagement and education, and;
Ensuring an effective and resilient BGCI.
Tree of the Season
By popular demand we've brought back our "Tree of the Season" feature. This season we are spotlighting the Sheepberry aka Nannyberry a native tree/shrub of eastern Montana. It can also be found in other parts of Montana but its largest concentration can be found in extreme southeastern Big Horn county. It is an extended bloomer in spring and is noted for it's wonderful fragrance. Two notable examples can be found in the arboretum. The first is located at the Golden Eagle viewing site, an area known as Lodgepole Meadow. The second is located in the Homestead Collection on the southwest corner of the chicken habitat. That specimen was originally a large shrub but with careful pruning by arboretum volunteer Nancy W. it has grown into a great small tree that blooms profusely every year !

Sheepberry aka Nannyberry - Viburnum lentago
Website Upgrades Continue....
In the next 30 days you may witness some new upgrades to make your arboretum website visit easier. We are changing some navigational procedures which will make movement around the site more seamless. After all there is a lot of information on our site.
Our site has been viewed throughout the U.S., Canada and northern Europe.
Yellowstone Arboretum Partners


New Feature !
"Ask the Tree Guy"
Have a question about trees? What tree to plant and where, how do I plant a tree, how to water my tree, bugs and other things I found in my tree ? Here's a great opportunity to let your own tree guru answer any question you may have. Just use the email link below with your questions. Photos are also welcomed !
COMING for 2025

Can you imagine all three of these celebrations on the same day April 19th and all at the same time at ZooMontana ? The date has been reserved for what should prove as a huge community celebration. Watch for more details as they come available !
Demos, Plantings, Vendors and more !!
The following groups have already scheduled dates for the 2025 season.
04/04 MSUB 12-15 people
04/26 Just Serve 100 people
05/03 Group of 8-10
06/26 United Way 300 people
If your organization or business would like to volunteer, please feel free to contact our volunteer coordinator, Loran :
(406) 652-8100

The city of Billings will be host to the 2025 National Extension Agents Convention
June 29 - July 3.
Organizers have already requested and booked tours of the native plants in the Foster Waterfowl Refuge and the trees of the Yellowstone Arboretum !

Seeking Volunteers !
Are you looking for a great volunteer opportunity that gets you outdoors, where you can meet new people, help a worthy cause and enjoy nature ? If so, consider volunteering at the Yellowstone Arboretum. We perform all facets of tree maintenance on some of the coolest trees in Montana. Work at your own pace and schedule and the pay is priceless.
email: billingsbotanical1@gmail.com
Don't forget our
feature articles
"The mission of the Yellowstone Arboretum is to cultivate arboreta appreciation and understanding of our local heritage through public education, organic preservation and stewardship of our natural environment."